Sengoku Basara Battle Party is an RPG based on one of Capcom's most popular sagas, also known as Devil Kings in the western world. The main difference between these two is that this time, combats won't take place in real time. They're actually turn-based and you can create synergies between your heroes (a lot of them are pretty popular within the franchise).
The combat system in Sengoku Basara Battle Party is relatively simple but it still offers a bunch of possibilities. In order to carry out a simple attack, all you have to do is tap on the hero's portrait. Plus, you can also trace lines between the heroes' portraits to create combos. Sometimes, you can use special skills as well as normal attacks.
As per usual in this genre for Android, one of the most important elements in Sengoku Basara Battle Party is the gacha. In other words, you can collect dozens of different characters that you can use during battles and create spectacular synergies between them. As you'll see in time, some characters mesh better with some character than with others.
Sengoku Basara Battle Party is a super entertaining RPG that makes excellent use of the Sengoku Basara license. The game also includes spectacular and charming visuals and outstanding characters design.
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